Report Writing - The Golden Rules

At some stage in your personal and business life you will have to write a report or business case, whether it is to obtain a home loan or outline a business opportunity at work. Over the years I have read many good and many bad reports and they can make an enormous difference in how you react to or make a decision.

To help you when you next have to write that report here are some Golden Rules to follow:

  1. What is the purpose of the report?

    Make sure you state the purpose of the report at the outset and if you are not sure then state that. It is also very important that you have a clear recommendation - don’t sit on the fence.

  2. Report by Exception.

    Often reports review what has happened in a particular situation or event. If things are as they are supposed to be then say so in one sentence. If things are better than they are supposed to be then use two or three sentences - celebrate the success. If things are worse than they are supposed to be then you need a very good paragraph to explain why.

  3. Lengthy reports should contain an executive summary simply stating why the report was written and the recommendation or conclusion of the report.

  4. Any complex technical terms should be explained using a glossary.

  5. If in doubt leave it out - no point writing it if you are not sure or convinced it is correct.

  6. Be well written - spelling, bad grammar or rambling sentences harm the message. Get to the point.

  7. Tell the unvarnished truth and not just the good news.

  8. Be accurate, logical and precise in your writing.

  9. Read it, read it and read it again - before you present it. Another tip is to read the report out loud.

  10. My final point relates specifically to emails. Many of Golden Rules can apply to emails with one MAJOR addition. Rename emails before you reply to them. This helps you to find the email later and avoids having several emails with the same heading.

And remember:

“Easy reading is damn hard writing” - Nathaniel Hawthorne.




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