Cash is King!
The purpose of my blog is to keep you informed of things that I have learnt and come across over the years that have helped me both personally and in business. Some of these things you may know and others will be new. The old stuff will, perhaps, help reinforce that you are doing the right thing and the new stuff may help you improve things. There is no right and wrong - just thoughts and ideas.
So, welcome to my first blog and can I say what a strange world we live in at the moment? Remember that we will recover from this time - we are resilient. So please:
Be connected
Be well
Be kind
Be informed
Be curious (you have the time)
Be supportive
Now onto some personal and business things that I think might help you in our current environment.
Cash Is King
At this moment, it has never been truer. What we are experiencing has happened in the past and will happen in the future - think World Wars, Black Plague, Spanish Flu, the Great Depression. The biggest problem is that we don’t know how long this will last and hence what the impact will be.
In these circumstances, I always think of the worst outcome and then if it is better than that, it is a bonus. In other words, try to plan now for a longer period of lock down or reduced activity and work out what you need to do to survive that. Work out what levers you can pull to help your financial position - you don’t need to “pull” those levers but you can have them up your sleeve to be used if required.
Things to consider are:
Talk to your Bank about principal “holidays” and reduced interest rates
Talk to your Bank about additional short-term facilities
Stop all unnecessary expenses
Review insurance costs - motor vehicles, life and others
Review subscriptions
Look to have monthly payments instead of annual payments for items
For businesses you need to look at additional things such as:
Rental holidays with your landlords
Collection of debtors
Revised repayment schedules for creditors
Discussion with IRD regarding deferrals of taxes
Discussion with customs department regarding deferral of duties
Review of all assets to see what cash can be generated from those assets not being used
Staff - a big area that needs advice from your advisors
The other thing to consider is that you may have to use some of your capital (which you have built up over the years) to help you through his period. That is OK - that is why you built it up so that it could help you later!
In summary:
Work out what levers you can pull to help you through this
Develop a plan based on the worst case
There may also be opportunities that arise out of the situation
Don’t be afraid to use some of your capital to assist you to protect your future
Markets go up and markets go down - you have not lost anything until you sell at below your cost price
But most of all, stay safe.