Risk Profile - Your Appetite for Risk.....
One of the first things you need to do before making any investment decision is determine your Risk Profile. You Risk Profile is an assessment of how much risk you are prepared to take or accept when investing in an asset.
Cash Management
In previous blogs I have talked about Cash is King and Budgets - Vital for Everyone. Today I want to expand on this and discuss cash management - one of the most important things in managing your personal and business assets and liabilities.
Debt versus Equity
In my previous Blogs I have talked about Equity and Gearing and Leverage as two important things you should understand when making investment decisions. The third thing you should know is the difference between debt and equity and how this might affect the financing of your investment decisions.
Trusts - The Practical Things
In my Blog Trusts - The Technical Things I outlined some of the technical things you should know about Trusts. This Blog will look at the advantages and disadvantages of settling up a Trust and provide you with an outline of some of the things you should consider in answering the question “should I set up
Trusts - The Technical Things
One of my favourite topics of discussion is Trusts. What are they? How do they work? Should I have a Trust? In my next two Blogs I will explain the technical and the practical things you should know about Trusts.
Interest Rates
Almost everyone is interested interest rates whether it be how much you are paying on your mortgage or how much you are receiving on your term deposit
What am I worth?
You often read in the media about someone who is a millionaire or maybe even a billionaire. What does this mean and is this important or not?
Risk versus Return
The most important thing to understand with investment decisions is the concept of risk versus return. This concept very simply states that the investment return on an asset is linked directly to the amount of risk associated with that asset.
Budgets - Vital For Everyone
What is a budget? It is your best guess on what you will earn and what you will spend over a defined period of time. Everyone should budget including individuals, groups of people, business and anyone who earns and spends money.
KPI’s - What Are They All About?
The world is awash with acronym’s and the financial sector is no exception with GST, IRD, ACC, PAYE, FBT, EBIT, EBITDA, NPBT, NPAT, EBITDAC, UOMI, FOREX, CAPEX, OPEX, EPS, NTA, NPV, ROA, PE, MTD, YTD…the list goes on and on but my favorite one is KPI’s……
Cash is King!
The purpose of my blog is to keep you informed of things that I have learned and come across over the years that have helped me both personally and in business.